
RESULTADOS DE EFICÁCIA Cetoprofeno 150mg Lib Lenta

A eficácia de cetoprofeno está demonstrada nos seguintes estudos: Le Bi-Profénid 150mg dans les pathologies rachidiennes et periarticulaires efficacité et securité demploi en pratique quotidienne. (TAMISIER, J. N. 1990); Étude comparative à double insu du Bi-Profénid comprimés et du Profénid gélules dans les rhumatismes inflammatoires. (CAMUS, J. P. 1983); Étude à long terme du Bi-Profénid 150mg chez les patients suivis dans le service de rhumatologie de lHôspital Cochin. (AMOR, B. 1983) ; Preemptive, randomised, double-blind study with Ketoprofen in gynaecological surgery following the Breivik/Stubhaug design. (LIKAR, R. 1998); Emergency treatment of renal colic with intravenous ketoprofen. (EL-BAZ, M. A. 1995); Ketoprofen for pain after hip and knee arthroplasty. (HOMMERIL, J. L. 1994); A double blind crossover study of ketoprofen enteric and non-enteric-coated tablets in rheumatoid arthritis. (WILLANS M.J. 1982); Estudo aberto, não comparativo, para avaliar a eficácia e segurança do cetoprofeno entérico, 200 mg/dia, por via oral, durante sete dias, no tratamento da lombociatalgia aguda. (BRITO JR. C.A. 1993); Double-blind comparison between ketoprofen capsules four times daily and enteric-coated tablets twice daily un patients with osteoarthritis. (RUSSEL A.S. 1985); Parenteral ketoprofen for pain management after adenoidectomy: comparison of intravenous and intramuscular routes of administration. (TUOMILEHTO H. 2002); Ketoprofen: The European Experience. (AVOUAC B. 1988).